
Add commission rules

最新修改于 2024-02-29

Add commission rules Path: [Sales] - [Performance Commission] - [Performance Setting] - [Add Rules] Description Business Scenario: Developing the performance commission can better motivate employees, improve their work enthusiasm, and bring more benefits to the store Setting of commission rules Description Rule Name: user-defined Commission Method: three choices: [Receivables by sales ] 、[Based on sales reveived ] or[By gross profit on sales ] Description Independent Account: Check [minus shippong costs included] to avoid freight costs from the commission settlement Description Calculation Rule: Choose [Unified Commission], i.e., entering a fixed commission percentage (e.g., 6%).The form of [Ladder Commission] is also selectable, that is, interval calculation commission (for example: the performance within 5,000 yuan is set with the commission rate of 5%, and the part beyond 5,000 yuan is set with the commission rate of 8%) Description Excess Reward: [Exceedance Target] and [Over Reward] can be set after it starts Applicable Staffs: Applicable employees can be self-selected (available for multiple selection) Description