
Purchase Invoice Tutorial

最新修改于 2024-02-28

Add purchase Invoice Path: [Purchase] - [Purchase] - [Add Purchase Invoice]

  1. Select the supplier name, and click on "+" to directly add suppliers
  2. Select the purchased products, which can be added through scanning the code, or clicking on the blank space of the product name with the mouse
  3. Add the quantity and purchase price of each product
  4. Click on "Save" to save the document; click on "Save and Add" to continue issuing the purchase invoice.


View, Copy and Cancellation of Purchase Invoice Path: [Purchase] - [Purchase]

  1. Click on "View Historical Documents” at the top right corner to find the documents to be deleted


  1. Three buttons on the right side of the corresponding documents correspond to three operations: [Detail], [Edit] and [Void]


[Detail]: Click to view the details of purchase Invoice.

[Edit]: You can copy an identical purchase invoice , and if the product purchased this time is similar with that purchased last time, this method can be used to quickly add new purchase invoice .

[Void]: It is important to note that the system-preset purchase order of customers can only be canceled together with the associated payment bill, and after the confirmation, just click on "Go to Cancel".
